Did you know that you can gain additional 技能, knowledge and training that can help you succeed in life as a high school student? 职业生涯 tech education (CTE) programs prepare students for high demand careers through career exploration and skill development. CTE programs introduce courses specifically geared towards a career pathway and expose students to a variety of careers within that pathway. Many of these high demand jobs require no advanced college degrees, but can be afforded to those who hold an industry recognized certification. 

CTE programs allow students to become immersed in hands-on “real-life/real-world” experiences while introducing students to employability, 领导, 协作, and critical thinking 技能 necessary in high demand careers.  It provides an opportunity for students to gain invaluable experience while improving employability and applicable workforce knowledge. CTE programs allow students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously, 以及与企业密切合作, 行业合作伙伴, and the community to ensure students get required training on the latest, 最先进的设备. These programs also provide additional work-based 学习ing activities such as training, 向人求教, 实习, 以及社交机会. 高中毕业后, many CTE students qualify and obtain entry level positions in the career field of their interest, thereby affording them the chance to earn a living towards becoming self- sufficient citizens.

uedbet官网 provides students in 10th and 11th grade students throughout Kent County with an opportunity to gain technical training, 学习有价值的技能, 探索职业, 获得认证, 实习,and apprenticeships that will prepare them for the workforce. Located at 1655 East Beltline, 大急流城, MI., and with 20 职业生涯 技术培训 programs students can explore, KCTC will equip students with the knowledge and 技能 needed to achieve their career goals. 




应用施工技术 图形通信
汽车碰撞修理  卫生事业
汽车技术 采暖、通风、空调 & 制冷(制冷)
航空维修技术 招待和烹饪
刑事司法 信息技术
设计实验室 机电一体化
柴油 & 设备技术 精密加工技术
数字动画 & 游戏编程 可持续Agriscience
工程 & 建筑设计 教师学院
创业 & 市场营销 焊接技术


Choosing the best career path is an important decision that involves interest, 技能, 教育背景. Understanding the 17 Michigan CTE career clusters can help students select a career path that is aligned with their overall career goal. Below is a detailed Michigan CTE career clusters guide.

Work-based 学习ing plays a critical role within CTE Programming. Work-based 学习ing opportunities provide real-life work experiences that expose and prepare students for the workforce and for their future careers. 通过与老师的持续互动, 管理员, 雇主, 企业主, 社区专业人士, work-based 学习ing connects the workplace to the classroom and students get an opportunity to engage, 学习, 向专业人士学习技能.  Through a variety of work-based 学习ing experiences, students can connect school experiences to real-life work activities and future career opportunities. Work-based 学习ing experiences, may include:

  • 工作跟踪: Job shadowing is a popular on-the-job 学习ing, 职业发展, 以及领导力发展干预. 本质上, job shadowing involves working with another employee who might have a different job in hand, 也许能教点什么, or can help the person shadowing him or her to 学习 new aspects related to the job, 组织, 某些行为或能力.
  • 职业指导: A mentor is one who teaches or provides guidance and advice to a less experienced and often younger person3.
  • 职业相关比赛: 职业生涯-related student competitions are work-based 学习ing activities that require students to demonstrate mastery of career-related 技能 through presentations or competitions that are judged by professionals. 演讲 demonstrate culminations of student effort over time, often involving teamwork. 职业生涯 technical student 组织s sponsor such competitions in the fields of agriculture, 业务, 健康, 酒店与工业技术.
  • 招聘信息: An informational interview is an informal conversation with someone working in a career area/job that interests you, 谁会给你提供信息和建议. It is an effective research tool in addition to reading books, exploring the internet and examining job descriptions. It is not a job interview, and the objective is not to find job openings4.
  • 志愿者: Volunteering is when a person donates his/her time or efforts for a cause or 组织 without being paid. It may be a one-time only or an on-going commitment. It should directly or indirectly benefit people outside the family or household or else benefit a cause, even though the person volunteering normally benefits as well. Most volunteer sites are non-profit 组织s.
  • 工作团/实地考察: A group excursion for the purpose of first-hand observation to specific work sites. 学生 学习 about the 业务, meet employees, ask questions and observe work in progress5.
  • 实习(带薪或无薪): An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment, 它可以是有偿的,也可以是无偿的. An internship is an opportunity to develop specific job related 技能 before you are qualified for an actual job.

Michigan Department of Education 以工作实践为基础的学习 (Non-CTE Program)


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